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The Students of the IMB Association (SIMBA) aims to maintain a strong sense of community among IMB students and make sure that the IMB student experience is both positive and rewarding.


We run various social events, career development workshops and competitions throughout the year.


Some of our regular events include:

  • IMBar on Friday evenings on Level 7

  • Inter-Institutional Trivia Night (IMB vs AIBN vs QAAFI)

  • Last Lecture Series (hear from renowned science figureheads)

  • Hills to die on (your strongest opinions on the most trivial of topics)

  • And smaller social events throughout the year (Earth Day, Halloween, Uno tournaments, etc)


Our major professional development event is the Annual IMB Student Symposium, which is a one-day on-site event that provides students with a chance to share their work in the form of poster presentations, a 3-minute thesis competition, and short talks by PhD students in their final year. Other professional development events include thesis writing workshops, career discussion panels, and HDR training.


SIMBA is also a platform for students to raise student-focused issues and ideas with senior management at IMB. SIMBA executive members sit on various institute committees— including EMCRA (Early and Mid Career Research Association) and the Culture and Inclusion Committee —to ensure our students’ voices are heard and contribute to the strategic and operational activities of the Institute.


The SIMBA committee is also interested in collaborating on joint events within IMB as well as within the wider UQ postgraduate community. 


All students are eligible and encouraged to become members of the SIMBA committee but everyone can help out with events, without needing to take on an official role.

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